Saturday, March 24, 2012

Living Fossil and Possibly Mythical Animal

     The frilled shark is an ancient and illusive species of deep sea shark, it gets its name from the ruffly gills that surround its face.  This serpentine shark lives in depths around 5,000 feet accept in Suruga Bay, Japan where it lives in depths between 160-600 feet.  Encounters with this shark are seldom and it was believed to be extinct  until it was rediscovered in the late 1800s.  Although it's known to live in waters throughout the world the frilled shark has been spotted mostly in Japan, in which similarities between this shark and the traditional Japanese dragon are more than uncanny.  Cryptozoologists speculate that the frilled shark is responsible for some of the sea serpent legends, but it just as easily could have even been the inspiration for the mythical serpentine dragon of the Orient.  It's also known as the dragon shark because of it's resemblance to a dragon.  The frilled shark gets up to about six feet long, and has rows of tiny teeth that run into the back of its mouth. They feed mostly on squid, fish and other sharks.  Although no one has seen them eat, they are believed to feed by lunging at its prey like a snake where they swallow it whole.

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